Coffee - Dark Roast

| Carousel DECAF Dark Roast, Blend, Decaf (Bold, Full bodied) Description: A blend of Indonesian decaffeinated coffees giving a rich, full-bodied taste
with very low acidity.

| Colombian Supremo Dark Roast Description: Grown in the Andes mountains, this Colombian has a rich flavor and aroma with a
nice snappy acidity, and finishes with a big strong body.

| Ethiopian Longberry Harrar Horse Dark Roast Description: The original coffee of the kings. This highly exotic coffee, cultivated at 5000
to 7000 feet, is the finest of all Ethiopia coffees. It has an exquisite
piquant aroma, heavy body and a sharp, tangy, almost "wild" flavor.

| Mexican H/G Pluma Don Porfirio Dark Roast Description: The aroma is rich, deeply dimensioned, shot through with bracing grapefruit
tones; the body smooth and full. The richly expressed grapefruit tones excite
when the cup is hot, but turn a touch bitterish and sharp as it cools,
particularly in the finish.

| Organic Timor Maubesse Dark Roast Description: A sweet coffee with remarkable complexity, starting with the aroma - distinct
leather notes, winey fruit, milk chocolate - to the cup, where the wine tones
deepen and take on an almost smokey edge. Clean, sweet, grape-like finish.
| © 2007 Java Joe's Roasting Company, Inc. | |